Dress Up HK – Rainbow Cloud of Slinky Spring at Choi Hung Roundabout
Choi Hung, Hong Kong
Photo 04

A Competitions organized by HKSAR Government to celebrate SAR 20th Anniversary. ArchiPie had submitted 3 competition entries and received 2 wins. EKEO completed in July 2017 and Choi Hung, which had been completed between 2017 to 2018.

Design Concept:

The 8m dia, 4m tall circular artwork will be focal point of the roundabout responding to the context of Choi Hung (rainbow) Estate and the moving cars passing-by. The artwork is composed of tilted colorful steel plates to create a dynamic visual effect to passengers in moving vehicles around. Design of artwork is originated from team to respond to the unique history of Hong Kong toys industry and the context of Choi Hung (rainbow). The shape is as if a “Slinky-Spring-Toy” to inspire artwork viewers to recall the collective memories of golden era of toys production. The rainbow color is also mirror to the rainbow-colored façade design of Choi Hung Estate. The tilted steel plate composition could create visual effect of motion and hovering as if a rainbow cloud in sky.

The artwork aims to provide an illusion as if it is self-spinning with various color stripes around the roundabout. The whole artwork is like to be spinning visually when it is seen by passengers.

Client: Development Bureau (HKSAR Government)
Role: Design Consultant
Status: Completion
Design Team:
Joshua, LAU Pak Kin (HKIUD)
Jo, LO Ting Chuen (RIBA)
Phyllis, LEUNG Wai Yin (HKIA)

Works ( Feature )
Architecture      Interiors      Urban Design      Art