Revitalization Works of Roberts Block, Old Victoria Barracks
Hong Kong

The revitalization proposal is to revitalize the Roberts Block into “Roberts Block Open HeArts Centre”, a hub for providing welfare of psychological and emotional health care to the people of Hong Kong and experiencing the history of the Old Victoria Barracks through a variety of guided tours, workshops and activities. The project can revive the significance of the building’s heritage and legacy as well as bring therapeutic benefits of psychological and emotional wellness to the Hong Kong community at large. The Project is located at 42A Kennedy Road, Central, Hong Kong. The Site of the project includes the Roberts Block and the adjacent open area (Main Site), and an adjoining slope (Ancillary Site) for accommodating a proposed vehicle drop-off at Kennedy Road, a lift tower and a footbridge. The scope of works include

1. Alteration, restoration and renovation of the Roberts Block to accommodate including but not limited to a reception area and a shop, a café, display areas, therapy rooms, multi-function rooms, offices, toilets, back of house facilities, electrical and mechanical plant rooms.

2. Construction of a tower accommodation a lift and staircase in the Ancillary Site together with a proposed footbridge to provide a convenient access for the visitors between the Main Site and the vehicle drop-off area at Kennedy Road.

Client: Christian Oi Hip Fellowship Limited
Role: Lead Consultant, Architect
Status: Schematic Proposal

Works ( Feature )
Architecture      Interiors      Urban Design      Art